

A Spree extension to enable downloadable products

tags : No available tags
compatible spree versions : >= 3.1.0 < 5.0


Spree extension to allow linking of youtube reference IDs to products

tags : No available tags
compatible spree versions : ~> 1.1


This gem fixes some strange issues in spree framework and extensions. We solve it here until they get solved offcially.

tags : No available tags
compatible spree versions : >= 3.2.0 < 5.0


Spree Favorite Products is an extension that allows the user to mark/unkmark a product as favorite from the product page. Admin can view which products have been marked as favorite, and by which users, on the Admin end. It gives user the ability to see all products marked as favorite by him/her.

tags : spree spree-favorite-products spreecommerce view more >>
compatible spree versions : >= 3.2.0 < 4.0.0 ~> 3.1.0 view more >>


Wishlist extension for Spree Commerce.

tags : No available tags
compatible spree versions : >= 1.0.0 < 5.0 >= 3.7.0


The Mati is a spree extension which you can use it to import products from amazon products xlsx document.

tags : No available tags
compatible spree versions : >= 3.2.0 < 5.0


A Spree extension to allow users to upload Products from a CSV file

tags : No available tags
compatible spree versions : >= 3.2.0 < 5.0


Spree image cropping extension

tags : No available tags
compatible spree versions : >= 3.2.0 < 5.0
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