A wholesale extension for Spree Commerce
Last updated on: December 09 at 03:51 AM
source code bug trackerSpree wholesale is a simple wholesale solution for Spree Commerce. Spree wholesale adds a wholesaler login and signup page as well as an admin to approve and deny applicants. This is a fork from citrus's fantastic original.
This requires Ruby > 2.0, in order to use module prepend.
# spree 2.2
gem 'spree_wholesale', :git => 'git://github.com/patrickmcelwee/spree_wholesale', :branch => 'master'
# spree 2.1
gem 'spree_wholesale', :git => 'git://github.com/patrickmcelwee/spree_wholesale', :branch => '2-1-stable'
# spree 2.0
gem 'spree_wholesale', :git => 'git://github.com/patrickmcelwee/spree_wholesale', :branch => '2-0-stable'
# spree 1.3
gem 'spree_wholesale', :git => 'git://github.com/patrickmcelwee/spree_wholesale', :branch => '1-3-stable'
# spree 1.2
gem 'spree_wholesale', :git => 'git://github.com/patrickmcelwee/spree_wholesale', :branch => '1-2-stable'
Then install the necessary migrations, db:migrate, and create the wholesale role:
# spree 0.50.x and above
rails g spree_wholesale:install
rake db:migrate spree_wholesale:create_role
If you'd like to generate sample wholesale prices based on a 66% discount:
rake spree_wholesale:assume_wholesale_prices
If you'd like to run tests:
git clone git://github.com/patrickmcelwee/spree_wholesale.git
cd spree_wholesale
bundle install
bundle exec test_app
bundle exec rake
If you'd like a demo of spree_wholesale:
git clone git://github.com/patrickmcelwee/spree_wholesale.git
cd spree_wholesale
bundle install
bundle exec rake test_app
cd test/dummy
rails s
Copyright (c) 2011 - 2012 Spencer Steffen and Citrus, released under the New BSD License All rights reserved.