Spree extension for affirm
Last updated on: April 08 at 10:31 PM
source code bug trackerAdd this extension to your Gemfile with this line:
gem 'spree_affirm', :github => affirm/spree_affirm
Install the gem using Bundler:
bundle install
Copy & run migrations
bundle exec rails g spree_affirm:install
Restart your server
git checkout -b my-new-feature
).git commit -am 'Added some feature'
)git push origin my-new-feature
)Be sure to bundle your dependencies and then create a dummy test app for the specs to run against.
bundle exec rake test_app
bundle exec rspec spec
When testing your applications integration with this extension you may use its factories. Simply add this require statement to your spec_helper:
require 'spree_affirm/factories'
Copyright (c) 2019 Affirm, released under the New BSD License
tags | spree versions |
master | >= 2.2.0, ~> 2.2 |
v0.1.0 | ~> 2.2.0 |
v0.1.1 | ~> 2.2.0 |
v0.2.0 | ~> 2.2.0 |
v0.2.1 | ~> 2.2.0 |
v0.2.2 | ~> 2.2.0 |
v0.2.3 | ~> 2.2.0 |
v0.2.4 | ~> 2.2.0 |
v0.2.5 | ~> 2.2.0 |
v0.2.6 | ~> 2.2.0 |
v0.2.7 | ~> 2.2.0 |
v0.2.8 | ~> 2.2.0 |
v0.2.9 | ~> 2.2.0 |
v0.2.10 | ~> 2.2.0 |
v0.2.12 | ~> 2.2.0 |
v0.2.13 | ~> 2.2.0 |
v0.2.14 | ~> 2.2.0 |
v0.2.15 | >= 2.2.0 |
v0.2.16 | >= 2.2.0 |
v0.2.17 | >= 2.2.0 |
v0.2.18 | >= 2.2.0 |
v0.2.19 | ~> 2.2 |
v0.2.20 | >= 2.2.0 |
v0.2.21 | >= 2.2.0 |
v0.2.22 | >= 2.2.0 |
v0.2.23 | >= 2.2.0 |
v0.2.24 | >= 2.2.0 |
v0.2.25 | >= 2.2.0 |
v0.2.26 | >= 2.2.0 |