

Extensión de spree que permite agregar un articulo al carrito de compra realizando una peticion en AJAX tanto desde la vista principal del catalogo, como la vista de detalle del articulo seleccionado.

tags : No available tags
compatible spree versions : ~> 2.3.4


Extension for Spree 1.3 adding PrettyPhoto plugin on product detail.

tags : No available tags
compatible spree versions : ~> 1.3.3.beta


Spree Extension to add and display enriched information for taxons and taxonomies

tags : No available tags
compatible spree versions : ~> 2.2.0


This extension adds the discount to the customers for current orders ,besides from the all orders for the products

tags : No available tags
compatible spree versions : ~> 2.3.3


Spreecommerce's extension to add sale price on products

tags : No available tags
compatible spree versions : ~> 2.3.4


A extension to provide snowplow conpliant dataLayer

tags : No available tags
compatible spree versions : ~> 1.3.5


first extension of my spree demo_shop

tags : No available tags
compatible spree versions : ~> 2.3.4


This extension will let you upload a csv with orders and create those in you app.

tags : No available tags
compatible spree versions : ~> 2.0.0